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IL CORAGGIO (The courage) - exhibition in Illegio

TOLMEZZO - Illegio [exhibitions]

There will be 40 masterpieces on display, chosen for a journey of beauty spanning two thousand five hundred years, from ancient Greece to the mid-twentieth century. The team involved in setting up the exhibition can anticipate that the selection of works chosen is of the highest quality, presenting paintings and sculptures by the greatest masters, among them: Perugino, as the exhibition poster shows in the marvellous painting granted by the Galleria Borghese, a Saint Sebastian who with total courage and serenity takes his destiny head-on. Caravaggio, Louis Finson, the great continuer of Caravaggio's magic, who is present in the exhibition with his most famous and powerful work. Gianlorenzo Bernini and Guercino, two paintings that have never been seen by the public. Arnaldo Pomodoro and Wassilij Kandinskij, pushing the path up to the 20th century. 

Opening hours: 

- Tuesday to Saturday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

- Sunday: 09.30-19.30

- In August and September open on Monday too

Casa delle esposizioni, Piazza G. B. Piemonte 

Info & Contacts

For more information:


Ufficio Turisitico di Arta Terme
+39 0433 929290

Ufficio Turistico di Forni di Sopra
+39 0433 886767

Ufficio Turistico di Tolmezzo
+39 0433 44898